DMI News Details

July 15, 2010 Drive Motorsports International adds B2B Division

July 15th 2010- Motorsports Marketing Agency, Drive Motorsports International, will add a sponsor services division to a focus on business to business development and new corporate networking services within motorsports and powersports.

In addition to the agencies other motorsports marketing services, the new division will fill a much needed void in the motorsports marketing and sponsorship industry. With the constantly evolving landscape in motorsports there is a need to service the sponsors needs more efficiently and further establish new direct sales and B2B.

“Sponsors use sponsorship as a means to generate business, our new division already provides B2B development and corporate networking as a main function of our partnerships, it helps to balance the cost to value ratio and can drive a lot of new revenue,” said Caroline Buchannon, VP of DMI. “It remains a fact that the ability to establish proper B2B channels and make recommendations based on quality data is crucial to having long-term success with any sponsorship strategy,” she added.